What clients are saying

send your personal testimonial to info@mediumlisamercier.com

Lisa was the absolute best. Warm, professional and instantly made me feel comfortable the moment I met her. I wasn’t a big believer in Reiki and thought what’s the harm? It blew my mind all that she knew about my mom who passed away 7 years ago. She said so many positive and encouraging things that really came true! I will definitely be back. What a gem!


Laguna Niguel, CA

A word to describe Lisa: POWERFUL. After receiving a few Reiki sessions with her I have felt amazing and revived.  She knew exactly what I needed and when we discussed at the end of our session she was spot on in what I was feeling.  One session in particular I had been feeling rather depleted-emotionally, physically and she took care of it. That night I slept like a baby and the next day felt back to my normal self with an added spring in my step. I cannot say enough good things about Lisa she is incredible at what she does. You are in very good hands when with her! J.W.

San Juan Capistrano, CA

I have experienced such healing from Lisa through her Reiki practice. Everything from a knee injury due to a fall, digestive problems after childbirth and sciatica…I have even noticed a dramatic improvement in my sleep and PMS symptoms. My son has received treatment since about 18 months of age. Lisa has helped him with teething, behavior/sleep problems and bumps/bruises…even our dog is a fan! I highly recommend this treatment for people with anxious pets. M.R.

Huntington Beach, CA

Lisa is such a healer. Her gifts are so apparent.  The connection she has with Spirit is so beautiful to witness and always spot on. She tapped into my energy and the energy of my guides so quickly and so well, it was extremely powerful. The first time she did Reiki on me, she knew that the previous conversation we had had right before, had overwhelmed me. She talked me through it and made me feel at ease. I felt very comfortable and trusting in Lisa, she made my feelings feel validated and important. After our session I felt calm and at ease with the things that had previously been bothering me. I can’t wait to see her again!


San Clamente, CA

My experience with reiki was amazing. For months, I had been feeling scattered and all over the place and was extremely tired and unfocused. After my very first session of reiki I immediately felt grounded and recharged. Lisa has a gift for harnessing her energy to help you harness your own. In addition to the reiki, I have had ” house clearing” done at my apartment. Lisa used sage and cleared my entire apartment of negative energy. I recommend Lisa’s services to anyone and everyone who needs to get their chakras in order and would like to have a highly intuitive medium provide amazing services that leave you feeling rejuvenated and balanced M.M.

Orange, CA

I just love Lisa! She has done Reiki on me a few times now and I always leave feeling calmer and more balanced.  Her presence is calming and the environment and music she plays sends me into a very relaxed state of mind. Lisa’s medium ability is spot on and she is able to connect with my loved ones in the spirit world making me feel connected and at peace. Thank you Lisa for your gift and for sharing it with me! H.W.

Orange, CA

I have been to massage therapists for quite some time to help with the soreness and aches that plague my body due to cross fit and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes. I heard about Reiki before but was still skeptical. I decided to have Reiki done by Lisa. Going into it I decided to be completely objective. My first experience was that of complete relaxation and peace. I felt tingly all over my body, especially the trouble spots of my shoulder and hips. After the 30 minute session I felt completely at peace. It took me a good 5 minutes to actually sit up. My body did not want to leave the table. During my session I felt a sense of peace and euphoria. I left the session a new person. It was a great way to recharge my stressful week. Since then I’ve visited Lisa a couple of times and plan on visiting her more during Jiu Jitsu tournament season. I highly recommend her to heal your body. C.A.

Orange, CA
