11.30.18 private event

Friday, November 30 from 6:30pm

Client Appreciation/Year-End Celebration

At a home in Westminster, CA – Message me if interested

Free Admission

I’m hosting this event to say thank you to all of my great clients this year. Please bring your friends and come enjoy a fun night. I will give a mediumship demonstration for about an hour and answer any questions about my gifts, mediumship, or the metaphysical world.

I’ve also invited a select few local, small businesses to participate. They will introduce themselves and be part of a small holiday market for you to check out their wears and check off a few things from your holiday gift list.

December 15th event flyer

Saturday, December 15 from 4:00 – 8:30pm

Holiday Cheer at Asana Fit Yoga

San Clemente, CA 

Free Admission – Bring your friends!

I’ll be doing quick readings and have my crystal sets & jewelry for sale. Stop by for some holiday shopping and terrific food!
