Party with Lisa!

Host a Medium or Reiki Party with Lisa! Your gang will love this unique event.

Lisa Mercier is an Intuitive, Medium, and Reiki Master in Orange County.

Lisa is certified through Dr. Anne Reith’s IMPART Certification Program for Professional Psychics, Mediums, and Healers. She has a BS in Psychology, minor in Sociology and is an ordained minister. Lisa has a background in the non-profit helping profession and in law enforcement.

Growing up, Lisa always knew she had a connection to Spirit. She could sense the energy everywhere she went but was not sure what to make of it. Lisa has also always had a unique sense of knowing. With that knowing, she was able to receive information that was helpful at providing guidance and direction.

Lisa went to church every week with her family, yet was still unable to sort through the abilities she had and align them with the faith she was being taught. With that lack of clarity and cohesion, Lisa did her best to shut out the connection she had. It was lights out for several years.

As she got older and more involved in her career in the criminal justice field, Spirit began knocking. Lisa could no longer ignore their presence and decided to come to terms with the reality that she could in fact communicate with souls that had passed. Lisa decided to educate herself more in the metaphysical field to ensure she was practicing mediumship and connecting with Spirit with the utmost safety and respect. She began attending psychic development classes with Dr. Anne Reith and now has extensive knowledge and practice in connecting with deceased loved ones, perceiving auras, pendulum work, angel card readings, Reiki healings, assisting souls to the Light, and several other topics within this subject matter.

Since fully embracing and acknowledging this beautiful gift, Lisa has been able to channel deceased loved ones and provide validating and encouraging messages. She is also using her intuitive and mediumship abilities to assist law enforcement in solving cold cases. Lisa considers it a privilege to work with you in providing energy healing, intuitive guidance or mediumship.

Questions & Appointments


mediumship session

Home Clearings

home clearing


reiki session
IMPART Certified Psychic
IMPART Certified Medium
IMPART Certified Healer